Sunday, January 4, 2009

New year in Manila? Thank you Cebu Pacific!

Starring my good old workmates Nacho and Pablo, Mr Conrad, and Ms Virginia Lopez (marketing manager of a successful wine exporting company, good friend and a little tipsy at times).

Basically our flight to Boracay island was cancelled; the first time at 13h30 in Manila because of “aircraft problems” and a second time around 20h00, right over the island, when our pilot was unable to land “because of bad weather conditions”; you can also see that, to make things more thrilling, our transports shuttle to the hotel in Manila (second top picture) burst into smoke in the middle of the highway.

As a result we got pretty drunk and went back to our hotel in Malate, celebrating new years over there, at Remedios Circle (not a bad party; lots of fireworks thrown around all night Pilipino Style, meaning complete chaos), I truly recommend the “Bedrock Bar” because it has good live music.

We finally arrived to Boracay around 9h00 the next morning.

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